Online Financial Literacy Training Platform

Description :

The Objective of this output is to host the Financial Literacy Training Model (O1) and set up the structure of the project platform which will consist in:

1) the learning path for adult teachers/educators containing the Financial Literacy training, its learning modules + quizzes

2) a short guide on how to build successful financial education pathways

3) tips and tricks to improve the quality of teaching in adult education institutes

4) a technical guide to use the entire platform and the e-learning itself

5) reference library with links to country laws, rules, guidelines, and other reference materials

6) check-list and templates in page links to downloadable samples of documents and forms developed by other resources

7) instructional resources with links to instructional materials, curriculum, and other teacher resources that might be helpful to a new teacher assigned to teach Financial Literacy.

Tasks description :

HBGD and the coordinator will lead on the instructional design and technical development of the platform and will oversee its management and monitoring.

The production of IO2 will be split in 2 phases:

12/2020: the draft design of the entry page of the website will be discussed at the initial meeting and the first version of the website will be completed by February 2021 but it will be constantly updated throughout the project because the Moodle will have to be uploaded on the website.

02/2021-11/2022: continous updating of the website and uploading the training modules after IO1 is ready.The Objective of this output is to host the Financial Literacy Training Model (O1) and set up the structure of the project platform which will consist in:

1) the learning path for adult teachers/educators containing the Financial Literacy training, its learning modules + quizzes

2) a short guide on how to build successful financial education pathways

3) tips and tricks to improve the quality of teaching in adult education institutes

4) a technical guide to use the entire platform and the e-learning itself

5) reference library with links to country laws, rules, guidelines, and other reference materials

6) check-list and templates in page links to downloadable samples of documents and forms developed by other resources

7) instructional resources with links to instructional materials, curriculum, and other teacher resources that might be helpful to a new teacher assigned to teach Financial Literacy.
